Sharon Oard Warner

Sharon Oard Warner

Teaching the Young the Value of the Past

27 Jan­u­ary 2019

At the D. H. Lawrence Ranch Ini­tia­tives, we are work­ing to impart the val­ue and impor­tance of the prop­er­ty we serve, not only to poten­tial donors, Uni­ver­si­ty staff and fac­ul­ty — but also to future generations.

On Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 8th, 2017, a few days before Lawrence’s Sep­tem­ber 11th birth­day, Ranch care­tak­er Ricar­do Med­i­na wel­comed a group of first and sec­ond graders from Anasi Char­ter School in El Pra­do, NM.

The chil­dren and their teacher, Emi­ly Ross, enjoyed an after­noon of sketch­ing and poet­ry under the branch­es of the Lawrence Tree.

Lawrence began his career as a teacher, and though he gave up the class­room to regain his health and to pur­sue a writ­ing career, he nev­er for­got the impor­tance of teach­ing. In the last months of his life, Lawrence mused in let­ters about return­ing to the Ranch to “make a bit of a thing with the young.” Maybe it’s time, he said to not wor­ry so much about his own work and instead put his ener­gies into teaching.

Per­haps Lawrence was think­ing along these lines:

For chil­dren to under­stand the sig­nif­i­cance of a paint­ing like O’Keeffe’s “The Lawrence Tree,” they need to expe­ri­ence the joy of cre­ation. For chil­dren to val­ue a struc­ture that’s stood for hun­dreds of years, they need to stand in the door­way of a place like the Homesteader’s Cabin.

Writing at the DH Lawrence Ranch
Writ­ing at the D.H. Lawrence Ranch
Concentrating on the task
Con­cen­trat­ing on the task
School children at the DH Lawrence Ranch
School chil­dren at the D.H. Lawrence Ranch
Learning at the DH Lawrence Ranch
Learn­ing at the DH Lawrence Ranch

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