Sharon Oard Warner

Sharon Oard Warner

The Way We Write Now

Short Stories from the AIDS Crisis

The Way We Write Now

edit­ed by Sharon Oard Warn­er
Citadel Press, 1995
ISBN 978–0‑8065–1638‑7

The diverse ways AIDS has infused new expe­ri­ences of love, loss, eroti­cism, ill­ness, tragedy, and courage into the province of con­tem­po­rary fic­tion is pow­er­ful­ly dis­played in this col­lec­tion by a wide range of cel­e­brat­ed and gift­ed writ­ers, including:

Allen Bar­nett
Rebec­ca Brown
Alice Elliott Dark
Kent Gar­di­en
David Leav­itt
Adam Mars-Jones
Den­nis McFar­land
Paul Mon­ette
Lucia Nevai
Richard Seltzer
Susan Son­tag
Abra­ham Vergbese


“With such ‘impor­tant’ writ­ers as Susan Son­tag and Paul Mon­ette and David Leav­itt as con­trib­u­tors, this com­pi­la­tion is one that must be read and savored. The title refers, obvi­ous­ly, to the way that AIDS has forced itself into the dai­ly lives of all of us. Who among us does not know some­one who is now ill or who has already died of this dis­ease? In point of fact, sev­er­al of the writ­ers in this vol­ume are dead. But the vol­ume is not a polemic. It is a won­der­ful, mov­ing, at times fun­ny, enter­tain­ing col­lec­tion. My per­son­al favorite is ‘In The Gloam­ing’ by a writer I had pre­vi­ous­ly nev­er encoun­tered: Alice Elliott Dark.” (Movie Maven, review)

The Way We Write Now

edit­ed by Sharon Oard Warn­er
Citadel Press, 1995
ISBN 978–0‑8065–1638‑7

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