Sharon Oard Warner

Sharon Oard Warner

Sophie’s House of Cards

Sophie's House of Cards

writ­ten by Sharon Oard Warn­er
Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­i­co Press, 2014
ISBN 978–0‑8263–3077‑2

When six­teen-year-old Sophie Granger sus­pects she is preg­nant, she digs out her moth­er Peggy’s tarot cards. Peg­gy hasn’t read for­tunes since her hip­pie days in Taos, but as soon as she flips the cards, Peg­gy sees both her daughter’s predica­ment and the fam­i­ly cri­sis that will ensue. A pan­icked Peg­gy scat­ters the lay­out and rush­es from the room, leav­ing Sophie to con­struct a lit­er­al house of cards. Set in New Mex­i­co, this engross­ing fam­i­ly nov­el rais­es ques­tions about the role that for­tune plays in our lives.


“Sharon Oard Warn­er’s Sophie’s House of Cards is infused with every­thing I look for in fic­tion: sym­pa­thet­ic char­ac­ters whose imper­fec­tions are rec­og­niz­ably human, a strong sense of place, and a sto­ry that lingers long after you’ve closed the book and moved on to oth­ers, wish­ing they were as cap­ti­vat­ing and mas­ter­ful­ly told as Warn­er’s nov­el.” (Wal­ly Lamb, author of We Are Water)

“When I began read­ing, I could­n’t stop because the nov­el felt like the rhythm of our lives. Sophie’s House of Cards gets across the com­plex­i­ty of mother/child rela­tion­ships. Warn­er’s effort­less and fine­ly craft­ed sto­ry­telling is pow­er­ful. I cried after read­ing it. Now I want the next nov­el and the next.” (Joy Har­jo, author of Crazy Brave: A Mem­oir)

Sophie's House of Cards

writ­ten by Sharon Oard Warn­er
Uni­ver­si­ty of New Mex­i­co Press, 2014
ISBN 978–0‑8263–3077‑2

Buy the Book